
The US government is not “$16 trillion in the hole”

October 30, 2014

By Cullen Roche, includes “There was a very scary sounding report on CNBC over the weekend that said the US government is “$16 trillion in the hole”  The balance sheet the article used was overly simplistic and extremely misleading.  The asset side of the balance sheet showed just $2.7 trillion in assets.  Which is accurate, if you exclude almost all of the assets the federal government actually owns. Because I am extremely lazy (though not as lazy as that article!), I am just going to point out a few of the US government’s assets that prove this point terribly misleading.  For starters, the IER estimates that total fossil fuel resources owned by the Federal government are valued at over $150 trillion alone.  These assets alone are FIFTY FIVE times the amount stated in the CNBC report.  But that only scratches the surface.  I haven’t even looked into the huge amount of federally owned land and buildings that would surely amount into the hundreds of billions if not trillions of dollars.  There’s also the gold resources.  And there’s the trillions of dollars in its own liabilities that it owns via the Fed and Social Security funds.  I have no idea what all of this would add up to, but it would probably be a net worth nearing $200 trillion or more.  Maybe someone out there who is less lazy than I am can put an exact figure on it? …”

Read the full article on: Pragmatic Capitalism

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