

Data-Z is a free database of state, city, and federal information with data from A to Z. We started Data-Z (formerly State Data Lab in 2012 to provide tools and external data to give more context to our analysis of government financial information. The site, which is free to use, enables citizens, the press, legislators and staff, think tanks, and financial analysts to better understand their governments’ financial and economic condition. We offer financial, economic, and demographic data for the 50 states, 75 largest U.S. cities, and the federal U.S. government, along with tools ranging from graphs to regression, ranking, and compound growth analysis. 


How to Make Charts

Click below to watch an instructional video on creating and comparing state data. Visit our YouTube channel for more instructional videos. 

Latest Updates to Data-Z

We update our database regularly to provide citizens, legislators, students, and more with the latest available data to create and compare states, cities, and the federal government. Click here to find a list of our latest updates with a link to each data series' glossary entry for more information.