CHICAGO -- Truth in Accounting’s project State Data Lab has officially been renamed Data-Z. Since State Data Lab launched in 2012, the website has grown to include data on more than just the 50 states. Data-Z offers users access to economic, financial, and demographic data on the city, state, and federal levels. Users can also access pension and other post-employment benefits data on all 50 states and the 75 largest U.S. cities.
Data-Z allows users to make an unlimited number of charts using more than 700 data series. Users can create charts to compare states or cities on the same data point, or compare multiple data points for one city or state or the federal government. Users can share their charts by downloading or copying the unique link.
"The name Data-Z highlights the breadth of data available. Now that the site has expanded to include not only state data, but also city and federal data,” said TIA founder and CEO Sheila Weinberg. “Data-Z provides economic, demographic, and government financial data from A to Z.”
The new name is effective immediately, and will be implemented across the organization’s product and services throughout the calendar year 2020.
Founded in 2002, Truth in Accounting is dedicated to educating and empowering citizens with understandable, reliable, and transparent government financial information. Sheila Weinberg is a Certified Public Accountant with more than 40 years of experience in the field.