
There's a lot to be grateful for this year

Sheila Weinberg  |  November 20, 2018

On July 16—after spending too much time on Facebook and reading so many negative posts—I decided to start posting my “good news of the day” update and asking my friends to share their good news. As Thanksgiving approaches and I look back at my posts, I realize I have been putting together the things I am thankful to have in my life.

If you are on social media, I urge you to join me in combating the negative posts by posting your good news. I love it when my Facebook friends comment on my post with their good news.

During the long Thanksgiving weekend, I hope you get to spend time with your family and friends and remember everything that you are thankful for.

Here is a summary of my good news of the day posts:

  • The precious time spent with my twin granddaughters, who will be two in December.

  • The numerous TV and radio interviews I did.

  • Wonderful time with my good friends, especially my BFFs.

  • The media coverage of Truth in Accounting’s ninth annual Financial State of the States report.

  • Safe travels to Colorado, Salt Lake City, Washington, D.C., New York City and Los Angeles to promote the Truth in Accounting mission.

  • The feeling of coming back home to be with my sweet husband.

  • Thankful for the way people are so nice to me, especially the anonymous person who put a parking sticker on my car so I didn’t get a $75 ticket.

  • Completing the detailed research needed for our Financial Transparency Score report for the 50 states.

  • I am happy to have a dedicated team to work on my mission.

  • The good times I spend with my two sons.

  • Our very successful event we co-hosted with the Keeley Center for Financial Services at DePaul University, which featured nationally recognized municipal finance expert James Spiotto.

  • The Fox & Friends segment on our newest Financial State of the States.

  • Surviving a bout of food poisoning for the second time this year.  

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